оказывается, на Дайнамайт таки собрались снимать видео!
Оно будет очень красочным (обоже нет) по словам источника, с хореографией (видимо той, которая не вошла в КГБ) и множеством смен костюмов (синих париков и велосипедов).

По слухам, режиссёром видео выступит(ла).... внимание...

According to Davoh via the official forum said that the video will have lot of colours, choreographies and wardrobe changes.

hey guys, there are strong rumors that the director of the video “Dynanite” will be Linda Perry, It’s said that the video will be a mix of the 60s, 70s, 80s and a little of the 90s. Linda has designed some things connected with the clothes that Christina will wear in the video. Also, It’s a video with a lot of colours, choreographies and wardrobe changes, according to X17. It’s said that will be published on Linda’s MySpace soon. Hope It’s true, It’s a great idea!